Prepare App Source Code for Localization

How do I re-organize my app to support localization?


Many app developers either don’t know how to structure their code for localization or have not spent the time required to re-organize their code for it. Producing an application in a single language is difficult enough that the additional restructuring of code to accommodate localization is frequently not performed.


While restructuring code for localization is a one time effort, it is frequently the first stumbling block to localization. El Loco has created an automated process to analyze and restructure an application to enable it to be localized, eliminating this hurdle for developers.

Our process examines the application source code files and re-organizes them for localization. The app is then compiled automatically to confirm that the restructuring was successful. Any applications not suited to this restructuring provide invaluable information data which is incorporated into the process, extending the ability to automatically restructure apps with similar issues.

New code organization situations that cannot be processed automatically are highlighted to the developer so that they can figure out how to manually re-arrange their code for localization.


The goal is to eliminate as many barriers to localization as possible. Over time, the percentage of apps that cannot be automatically restructured for localization shrinks to zero.


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